Bluetooth Douche
I got some stuff at micro center yesterday, including a bluetooth headset and a bluetooth dongle for my computer.
the intent with this stuff was to:
use the headset with my bluetooth-enabled phone, as well as use it with my non-bluetooth computer (so that, for example, I could skype from the other room).
use the dongle so that the non-bluetooth computer could become bluetooth-enabled (and then see above), as well as use it with my bluetooth-enabled phone to transfer files from the computer to the phone.
things haven’t worked out quite as planned. while trying to get the bluetooth dongle working, somehow my windows profile settings were erased. I was able to restore some of these settings with windows backup/restore, but some application settings (including firefox bookmarks/rss feeds/passwords) were lost and I couldn’t seem to restore them.
this was obviously frustrating, but on the other hand, it reduces the clutter in my web browser. now, there are fewer ‘random time-wasting’ bookmarks/rss feeds that i’ll be tempted to spend time on. these internet time sucks were fine when i was working night shift and didn’t have much else to do when i got home at midnight. but now that i’m on day shift, i can actually spend the day doing stuff.
it’s like i’m becoming a totally new person, with all of this simultaneous transition (new job, house, schedule shift, etc).